
In this section, we show how to merge, collapse and reshape the various data structures within a given sweep of the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) to create a dataset at the cohort member-level (i.e., one row per cohort member). This is likely to be the most useful data structure for most analyses, but similar principles can be applied to create other structures as needed (e.g., family-level datasets).

We use the following packages:

# Load Packages
library(tidyverse) # For data manipulation
library(haven) # For importing .dta files

Data Cleaning

We create a small dataset that contains information from Sweep 2 on: family country of residence, cohort member’s ethnicity, whether any parent reads to the child, the warmth of the relationship between the parent and the child, family social class (National Statistics Socio-economic Classification; NS-SEC), and mother’s highest education level. Constructing and combining these variables involves restructing the data in various ways, and spans the most common data engineering tasks involved in bringing together information from a single sweep.

The datasets we use in this tutorial are:

family <- read_dta("3y/mcs2_family_derived.dta") # One row per family
cm <- read_dta("3y/mcs2_cm_derived.dta") # One row per cohort member
parent <- read_dta("3y/mcs2_parent_derived.dta") # One row per parent (responding)
parent_cm <- read_dta("3y/mcs2_parent_cm_interview.dta") # One row per parent (responding) per cohort member
hhgrid <- read_dta("3y/mcs2_hhgrid.dta") # One row per household member

We begin with the simplest variables: cohort member’s ethnicity and family country of residence. Cohort member’s ethnicity is stored in a cohort-member level dataset already (mcs2_cm_derived), so it does not need further processing. Below we rename the relevant variables and select it along with the cohort member identifiers, MCSID and BCNUM00.

df_ethnic_group <- cm %>%
  select(MCSID, BCNUM00, ethnic_group = BDC08E00) # Retains the listed variables, renaming BDC08E00 as ethnic_group

# A tibble: 15,778 × 3
   MCSID   BCNUM00                             ethnic_group       
   <chr>   <dbl+lbl>                           <dbl+lbl>          
 1 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 2 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 3 M10007U 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 4 M10008V 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 5 M10008V 2 [2nd Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 6 M10011Q 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  2 [Mixed]         
 7 M10014T 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 8 M10015U 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
 9 M10016V 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]  1 [White]         
10 M10017W 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] -1 [Not applicable]
# ℹ 15,768 more rows

Family country of residence is stored in a family-level dataset (mcs2_family_derived). This also does not need any further processing at this stage. Later when we merging this data with df_ethnic_group, we perform a 1-to-many merge, so the data will be automatically repeated for cases where there are multiple cohort members in a family.1

df_country <- family %>%
  select(MCSID, country = BACTRY00)

Next, we create a variable that indicates whether any parent reads to the cohort member; in other words, we create a summary variable using data from individual parents. The mcs2_parent_cm_interview dataset contains a variable for the parent’s reading habit to a given child (BPOFRE00). We first create a binary variable that indicates whether the parent reads to the cohort member at least once a week, and then create a summary variable indicating whether any (interviewed) parent reads (max(parent_reads)) by collapsing the data using summarise() on a grouped data frame (group_by(MCSID, BCNUM00)) to ensure this is calculated per cohort member. The result is a dataset with one row per cohort member with data on whether any parent reads to them.2

df_reads <- parent_cm %>%
  select(MCSID, BPNUM00, BCNUM00, BPOFRE00) %>%
  mutate(parent_reads = case_when(between(BPOFRE00, 1, 3) ~ 1, # Create binary variable for reading habit
                                  between(BPOFRE00, 4, 6) ~ 0)) %>%
  drop_na() %>% # Drops rows with any missing value (ensures we get a value where at least 1 parent gave a valid response).
  group_by(MCSID, BCNUM00) %>% # Groups the data so summarise() is performed per cohort member.
  summarise(parent_reads = max(parent_reads), # Calculates maximum value per cohort member
            .groups = "drop") # Removes the grouping from the resulting dataframe.

# A tibble: 15,684 × 3
   MCSID   BCNUM00                             parent_reads
   <chr>   <dbl+lbl>                                  <dbl>
 1 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 2 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 3 M10007U 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 4 M10008V 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 5 M10008V 2 [2nd Cohort Member of the family]            1
 6 M10011Q 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 7 M10014T 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 8 M10015U 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
 9 M10016V 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
10 M10017W 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family]            1
# ℹ 15,674 more rows

We next show a different way of using mcs2_parent_cm_interview, reshaping the data from long to wide so that we have one row per cohort member. As an example, we create separate variables for whether the responding parent has a warm relationship with the cohort member (BPPIAW00), one using responses from the main carer and one from the secondary carer. As mcs2_parent_cm_interview have one row per parent x cohort member combination, we first create a variable indicating which parent is which (using information from BELIG00), and then reshape the warmth variable from long to wide using pivot_wider().

df_warm <- parent_cm %>%
  select(MCSID, BCNUM00, BELIG00, BPPIAW00) %>%
  mutate(var_name = ifelse(BELIG00 == 1, "main_warm", "secondary_warm"),
         warmth = case_when(BPPIAW00 == 5 ~ 1,
                           between(BPPIAW00, 1, 6) ~ 0)) %>%
  select(MCSID, BCNUM00, var_name, warmth) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = var_name, # The new variables are named main_warm and secondary_warm...
              values_from = warmth) # ... and take values from "warmth"

Next, we show an example of creating family level data using data from individual parents; in this case, a variable for family social class (NS-SEC) using data from mcs2_parent_derived. As mcs2_parent_derived a parent level dataset, we take the minimum of parents’ NS-SEC (BDD05S00) within a family (lower values of BDD05S00 indicate higher social class).

df_nssec <- parent %>%
  select(MCSID, BPNUM00, parent_nssec = BDD05S00) %>%
  mutate(parent_nssec = if_else(parent_nssec < 0, NA, parent_nssec)) %>% # Negative values denote various forms of missingness.
  drop_na() %>%
  group_by(MCSID) %>%
  summarise(family_nssec = min(parent_nssec))

Finally, we create a variable for the mother’s highest education level using the mcs2_parent_derived dataset. This involves merging in relationship information from the household grid and subsetting the rows so we are left with data for mothers only (see Working with the Household Grid. We separately filter the household grid for mothers only (BHCREL00 == 7 [Natural Parent] and BHPSEX00 == 2 [Female]) and select the highest education level variable (BDDNVQ00) from the mcs2_parent_derived dataset. We then merge the datasets together use right_join(), which in this case, gives a row for every mother in the dataset, regardless of whether they have education data or not (right_join() fills variables with NA where the retained row does not have a match).3

df_mother <- hhgrid %>%
  select(MCSID, BPNUM00, BHCREL00, BHPSEX00) %>%
  filter(between(BPNUM00, 1, 99),
         BHCREL00 == 7,
         BHPSEX00 == 2) %>%
  distinct(MCSID, BPNUM00) %>%
  add_count(MCSID) %>%
  filter(n == 1) %>%
  select(MCSID, BPNUM00)

df_parent_edu <- parent %>%
  select(MCSID, BPNUM00, mother_nvq = BDDNVQ00)

df_mother_edu <- df_parent_edu %>%
  right_join(df_mother, by = c("MCSID", "BPNUM00")) %>%

Merging the Datasets

Now we have cleaned each variable, we can merge them together. The cleaned datasets are either at the family level (df_country, df_nssec, df_mother_edu) or cohort member level (df_ethnic_group, df_reads, df_warm). We begin with df_ethnic_group as this has all the cohort members participating at Sweep 2 in it. We then use left_join() to merge in other data so original rows are kept (and no more are added). To merge with a family-level dataset, we use left_join(..., by = "MCSID") as MCSID is the unique identifier for each cohort member. For the cohort member level datasets, we use left_join(..., by = c("MCSID", "BCNUM00")) as the combination of MCSID and BCNUM00 uniquely identifies cohort members.

df_ethnic_group %>%
  left_join(df_country, by = "MCSID") %>%
  left_join(df_reads, by = c("MCSID", "BCNUM00")) %>%
  left_join(df_warm, by = c("MCSID", "BCNUM00")) %>%
  left_join(df_nssec, by = "MCSID") %>%
  left_join(df_mother_edu, by = "MCSID")
# A tibble: 15,778 × 9
   MCSID   BCNUM00    ethnic_group country parent_reads main_warm secondary_warm
   <chr>   <dbl+lbl>  <dbl+lbl>    <dbl+l>        <dbl>     <dbl>          <dbl>
 1 M10001N 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   2 [Wal…            1        NA             NA
 2 M10002P 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   2 [Wal…            1         1              1
 3 M10007U 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   2 [Wal…            1         0              1
 4 M10008V 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   1 [Eng…            1         1              1
 5 M10008V 2 [2nd Co…  1 [White]   1 [Eng…            1         1              1
 6 M10011Q 1 [1st Co…  2 [Mixed]   1 [Eng…            1         1             NA
 7 M10014T 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   3 [Sco…            1         1              1
 8 M10015U 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   1 [Eng…            1         1              1
 9 M10016V 1 [1st Co…  1 [White]   4 [Nor…            1         1              1
10 M10017W 1 [1st Co… -1 [Not app… 1 [Eng…            1        NA             NA
# ℹ 15,768 more rows
# ℹ 2 more variables: family_nssec <dbl+lbl>, mother_nvq <dbl+lbl>


  1. It is also possible to expand a family level dataset so that it has as many rows as there are cohort-members in the family. mcs2_family_derived.dta contains a variable, BDNOCM00, with this information that can be used with the tidyverse function uncount(BDNOCM00) to achieve this. (The dataset mcs_longitudinal_family_file contains a variable NOCMHH which holds similar information.) 

  2. Below, for simplicity, we drop any rows with missing values (drop_na() step). Proper analyses may opt to use a different rule, which may require merging in other information (e.g., setting the value to missing unless all resident parents have been interviewed and provided a valid response). 

  3. More detail on merging with right_join() (and other *_join() variants) is provided in Combining Data Across Sweeps, as well as Chapter 19 of the R for Data Science textbook