In this section, we show how to reshape data from long to wide (and vice versa). We do this for both raw and cleaned data. To demonstrate, we use data on cohort member’s height and weight collected in Sweeps 3-7.
The packages we use are:
# Load Packages
library(tidyverse) # For data manipulation
library(haven) # For importing .dta files
library(glue) # For creating strings
Reshaping Raw Data from Wide to Long
We begin by loading the data from each sweep and merging these together into a single wide format data frame; see Combining Data Across Sweeps for further explanation on how this is achieved. Note, the names of the height and weight variables in Sweep 5 (ECHTCMA0
) diverge slightly from the convention used for other sweeps ([C-G]CHTCM00
and [C-G]CWTCM00
where [C-G]
denotes sweep), hence the need for the complex regular expression in read_dta(col_select = ...)
function call.1 To make the names of the columns in the wide dataset consistent (useful preparation for reshaping data), we rename the Sweep 5 variables so they follow the convention for the other sweeps.
fups <- c(0, 3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 17)
load_height_wide <- function(sweep){
fup <- fups[sweep]
prefix <- LETTERS[sweep]
glue("{fup}y/mcs{sweep}_cm_interview.dta") %>%
read_dta(col_select = c("MCSID", matches("^.(CNUM00|C(H|W)TCM(A|0)0)"))) %>%
rename(CNUM00 = matches("CNUM00"))
df_wide <- map(3:7, load_height_wide) %>%
reduce(~ full_join(.x, .y, by = c("MCSID", "CNUM00"))) %>%
# A tibble: 16,618 × 12
<chr> <dbl+l> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lb> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lb>
1 M100… 1 [1st… 114. 21.2 128. 25.5 NA NA NA
2 M100… 1 [1st… 110. 19.2 123 26.2 144. 41.8 163.
3 M100… 1 [1st… 118 25.3 129 26.5 154. 40.6 174.
4 M100… 1 [1st… 121 32.9 137 51.2 168. 74 NA
5 M100… 1 [1st… 110. 19.7 122. 24.1 143 38.2 164.
6 M100… 1 [1st… 118. 23 130 29 152. 41.5 167
7 M100… 1 [1st… 110. 18.9 121. 21.7 NA NA NA
8 M100… 1 [1st… 113. 19.4 128. 22 150. 37.3 164.
9 M100… 1 [1st… 112. 20.6 123 24.6 141. 33.8 161
10 M100… 1 [1st… 108 18.4 121 24.2 147 40.3 157
# ℹ 16,608 more rows
# ℹ 3 more variables: FCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, GCHTCM00 <dbl+lbl>,
# GCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>
has 12 columns. Besides, the identifiers, MCSID
and cnum
, there are 10 columns for height and weight measurements at each sweep. Each of these 10 columns is prefixed by a single letter indicating the sweep. We can reshape the dataset into long format (one row per person x sweep combination) using the pivot_longer()
function so that the resulting data frame has five columns: two person identifiers, a variable for sweep, and variables for height and weight. We specify the columns to be reshaped using the cols
argument, provide the new variable names in the names_to
argument, and the pattern the existing column names take using the names_pattern
argument. For names_pattern
we specify "(.)(.*)"
, which breaks the column name into two pieces: the first character ("(.)"
) and the rest of the name ("(.*)"
). names_pattern
uses regular expressions. .
matches single characters, and .*
modifies this to make zero or more characters. As noted, the first character holds information on sweep; in the reshaped data frame the character is stored as a value in a new column sweep
. .value
is a placeholder for the new columns in the reshaped data frame that store the values from the columns selected by cols
; these new columns are named using the second piece from names_pattern
- in this case CHTCM00
(height) and CWTCM00
df_long <- df_wide %>%
pivot_longer(cols = matches("C(H|W)TCM00"),
names_to = c("sweep", ".value"),
names_pattern = "(.)(.*)")
# A tibble: 83,090 × 6
<chr> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl> <chr> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+l>
1 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] NA C 114. 21.2
2 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] NA D 128. 25.5
3 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] NA E NA NA
4 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] NA F NA NA
5 M10001N 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] NA G NA NA
6 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] 41.8 C 110. 19.2
7 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] 41.8 D 123 26.2
8 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] 41.8 E 144. NA
9 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] 41.8 F 163. 52.3
10 M10002P 1 [1st Cohort Member of the family] 41.8 G 174. 59.4
# ℹ 83,080 more rows
Reshaping Raw Data from Long to Wide
We can also reshape the data from long to wide format using the pivot_wider()
function. In this case, we want to create two new columns for each sweep: one for height and one for weight. We specify the columns to be reshaped using the values_from
argument, provide the old column names in the names_from
argument, and use the names_glue
argument to specify the convention to follow for the new column names. The names_glue
argument uses curly braces ({}
) to reference the values from the names_from
and .value
arguments. As we are specifying multiple columns in values_from
, .value
is a placeholder for the names of the variables selected in values_from
df_long %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = sweep,
values_from = matches("C(W|H)T"),
names_glue = "{sweep}{.value}")
# A tibble: 16,618 × 17
<chr> <dbl+l> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lbl> <dbl+lb>
1 M100… 1 [1st… NA NA NA NA NA 114.
2 M100… 1 [1st… 41.8 41.8 41.8 41.8 41.8 110.
3 M100… 1 [1st… 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 40.6 118
4 M100… 1 [1st… 74 74 74 74 74 121
5 M100… 1 [1st… 38.2 38.2 38.2 38.2 38.2 110.
6 M100… 1 [1st… 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 41.5 118.
7 M100… 1 [1st… NA NA NA NA NA 110.
8 M100… 1 [1st… 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 37.3 113.
9 M100… 1 [1st… 33.8 33.8 33.8 33.8 33.8 112.
10 M100… 1 [1st… 40.3 40.3 40.3 40.3 40.3 108
# ℹ 16,608 more rows
# ℹ 9 more variables: DCHTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, ECHTCM00 <dbl+lbl>,
# FCHTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, GCHTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, CCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>,
# DCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, ECWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>, FCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>,
# GCWTCM00 <dbl+lbl>
Reshaping Cleaned Data from Long to Wide
It is likely that you will not just need to reshape raw data, but cleaned data too. In the next two sections we offer advice on naming variables so that they are easy to select and reshape in long or wide formats. First, we clean the long dataset by converting the cnum
and sweep
columns to integers, creating a new column for follow-up time, and creating new height
and weight
variables that replace negative values in the raw height and weight data with NA
(as well as giving these variables more easy-to-understand names).
df_long_clean <- df_long %>%
mutate(cnum = as.integer(CNUM00),
sweep = match(sweep, LETTERS),
fup = fups[sweep],
height = ifelse(CHTCM00 > 0, CHTCM00, NA),
weight = ifelse(CWTCM00 > 0, CWTCM00, NA)) %>%
select(MCSID, cnum, fup, height, weight)
To reshape the clean data from long to wide format, we can use the pivot_wider()
function as before. This time, we specify the columns to be reshaped using the names_from
argument, provide the new column names in the values_from
argument, and use the names_glue
argument to specify the new column names. The names_glue
argument uses curly braces ({}
) to reference the values from the names_from
and .value
arguments. As we are specifying multiple columns in values_from
, .value
is a placeholder for the variable name.
df_wide_clean <- df_long_clean %>%
mutate(fup = ifelse(fup < 10, glue("0{fup}"), as.character(fup))) %>%
pivot_wider(names_from = fup,
values_from = c(height, weight),
names_glue = "{.value}_{fup}")
# A tibble: 16,618 × 12
MCSID cnum height_05 height_07 height_11 height_14 height_17 weight_05
<chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 M10001N 1 114. 128. NA NA NA 21.2
2 M10002P 1 110. 123 144. 163. 174. 19.2
3 M10007U 1 118 129 154. 174. 181. 25.3
4 M10011Q 1 121 137 168. NA NA 32.9
5 M10015U 1 110. 122. 143 164. 169 19.7
6 M10016V 1 118. 130 152. 167 185. 23
7 M10017W 1 110. 121. NA NA NA 18.9
8 M10018X 1 113. 128. 150. 164. 166. 19.4
9 M10020R 1 112. 123 141. 161 NA 20.6
10 M10021S 1 108 121 147 157 157. 18.4
# ℹ 16,608 more rows
# ℹ 4 more variables: weight_07 <dbl>, weight_11 <dbl>, weight_14 <dbl>,
# weight_17 <dbl>
Notice that prior to reshaping, we convert the fup
variable to a string and ensure it has two characters (5
becomes 05
). The reason for including this step is to make the names of similar variables the same length. This consistency makes it simpler to subset variables either by name (e.g., select(matches("^height_\d\d$"))
) or by numerical range (e.g., select(matches("^(h|w)eight_1[1-4]$"))
Reshaping Cleaned Data from Wide to Long
Finally, we can reshape the clean wide dataset back to long format using the pivot_longer()
function. We specify the columns to be reshaped using the cols
argument, provide the new variable names in the names_to
argument, and the pattern the existing column names take using the names_pattern
argument. For names_pattern
we specify "(.*)_(.*)y"
, which breaks the column name into two pieces: the variable name ("(.*)"
), and the follow-up time ("(.*)y"
). We also use the names_transform
argument to convert the follow-up time to an integer.
df_wide_clean %>%
pivot_longer(cols = matches("_\\d\\d$"),
names_to = c(".value", "fup"),
names_pattern = "(.*)_(\\d\\d)$",
names_transform = list(fup = as.integer))
# A tibble: 83,090 × 5
MCSID cnum fup height weight
<chr> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 M10001N 1 5 114. 21.2
2 M10001N 1 7 128. 25.5
3 M10001N 1 11 NA NA
4 M10001N 1 14 NA NA
5 M10001N 1 17 NA NA
6 M10002P 1 5 110. 19.2
7 M10002P 1 7 123 26.2
8 M10002P 1 11 144. NA
9 M10002P 1 14 163. 52.3
10 M10002P 1 17 174. 59.4
# ℹ 83,080 more rows
Regular expressions are extremely useful and compact ways of working with text. See Chapter 15 in the R for Data Science textbook for more information. ChatGPT and similar services are very useful for writing and interpreting regular expressions. ↩
In regular expressions,
are special characters that match the beginning and end of a string, respectively."^height_\\d\\d$"
matches any string that begins “height_”, immediately followed by two digits (0, 1, …, 9) that end the string."^(h|w)eight_1[1-4]"
matches any string that begins height or weight, immediately followed by 11, 12, 13, or 14 ([1-4]
is a compact way of matching the integer range 1, 2, 3 or 4). ↩